During its history, the Eurasian Economic Forum of Youth has brought together initiative youth from all over the world. Representatives of science, education, government, and business from Russia's regions and various countries have been meeting in Yekaterinburg for eleven years to discuss the development of scientific diplomacy, topical issues of international cooperation, participate in interstate dialogues in the fields of education, science, and culture, and formulate ideas for building a global model for the functioning of a modern scientific and educational space.

We present to your attention the rubric "EEFY IN PERSONS", where we will share the stories of participants and experts of the Eurasian Economic Forum of Youth. For 11 years, EEFY for many of them has become a platform for the development of competencies, professional growth, and networking.

Erik Avanesyan, a graduate student of USUE, a native of Donetsk, spoke about his experience in the VII EEFY "Dialogue of civilizations: the way to the East", IX EEFY "Asia-Russia-Africa: the economy of the future" and X EEFY "Russia-Asia-Africa-Latin America: the economy of mutual trust". 

With this research, Erik participated in the International competition of research works of young scientists and students "Competitiveness of territories: mesoeconomics" in 2019. In addition, he excelled in The international intellectual game on the economic problems of Asia, Africa, South America and Russia.?

During its history, the Eurasian Economic Forum of Youth has brought together initiative youth from all over the world. Representatives of science, education, government, and business from Russia's regions and various countries have been meeting in Yekaterinburg for eleven years to discuss the development of scientific diplomacy, topical issues of international cooperation, participate in interstate dialogues in the fields of education, science, and culture, and formulate ideas for building a global model for the functioning of a modern scientific and educational space.

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