An efficient approach to business: a UK professor delivered a lecture at USUE

October 24, at Ural State University of Economics, Professor of Business School, Leeds University (Great Britain), Dina Williams delivered a lecture for students and spoke about a heuristic (efficient) approach to entrepreneurship.

This meeting with the expert became possible thanks to the grant of the British Consulate (Yekaterinburg) USUE won to conduct two cycles of workshops for students and teachers. The first cycle, in which Dina Williams participates, runs from October 23 to October 28.

The lecture was opened by USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergei Rogozhin, "When we talk about professional orientation, in this case, about entrepreneurial one, we would like both to know functional characteristics of the subject and see how it goes in other places. Today, technologies are changing very fast, and it is important to study them not only to know but also to master. Dina will demonstrate the global experience taking into account Russian and English experience."

BesidesBBesides,  Sergei Rogozhin introduced the British Consul General in Yekaterinburg Martin Fenner. The Consul General noted that the UK is the leader in entrepreneurship education. "Dina, an expert in this field, will tell students about modern approaches to business from the very idea to its realization," Martin Fenner added.

We would like to note that as for today Russia and Great Britain pay much attention to cooperation in the field of science and education.

October 24, at Ural State University of Economics, Professor of Business School, Leeds University (Great Britain), Dina Williams delivered a lecture for students and spoke about a heuristic (efficient) approach to entrepreneurship.

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