Economic culture of trust

October 23, at the Statutory Court of the Sverdlovsk region there was a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (Russian abbreviation – ENIICH). Experts discussed the economic culture of trust in traditional and modern societies.

The host, as usual, was Academician Valeriy Chereshnev, ENIICH president, member of the Presidium of RAS and the Ural Branch of the RAS, director of Institute of Immunology and Physiology at Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. "The culture of trust as a public institution exists throughout the history of the development of society. Relations of trust would have such characteristics as functionality, rationality, and abstractness. It is this form that the trust acquires in modern civil society. The economic culture of a text develops as a result of the interaction of economic culture and economic mentality of foundations of human economic behavior," Valeriy Chereshnev said.

Every concrete society is characterized by a certain economic culture of trust, which means not only historically formed attitudes, norms and values ??of social interaction, but also a structure of relations actively reproduced in economic practice that can be consciously planned and regulated. National culture and mentality have a significant impact on trust.

An opening speech was delivered by Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin, "To a large extent the terms "economic culture" and "trust" are related to liability and obligations. In economy, there is no other way. We, as experts, note that in Middle Ages the trust was built by taking one’s word or guarantees. This became the basis for the formation of the economic culture of modern Russia."

The first speaker was the director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies Alexander Kokovikhin. The expert spoke about trust in the history of market-driven economy.

In addition, the meeting participants discussed the ratio of national and rational in the development of the economic culture of trust, as well as the role of this culture in the history of Russian economy. The experts determined the spheres and forms of the trust existence and found out whether it was legitimate to talk about the Russian model of economic trust along with western and eastern ones.

October 23, at the Statutory Court of the Sverdlovsk region there was a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (Russian abbreviation – ENIICH). Experts discussed the economic culture of trust in traditional and modern societies.

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