Economics of Human Resources

As you know, the practical orientation of educational programs and close connection with business are one of the USUE strengths.

A striking example of close cooperation with employers is an applied master’s program “Economics of Human Resources (HR -Business Partner)”, whose supervisors are the head of the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, Svetlana Dolzhenko, and Director for Personnel and General Matters of JSC UMMC, Dmitry Malyshev. 

With the support of Dmitry Sergeevich, on April 16, at the UMMC Technical University, they organized a master class “Essential Issues of Staff Performance Management” for USUE master’s students and teachers involving Dmitry Galenkovsky, Director for Human Resources of JSC Uralelectromed and Yevgeny Karaman, advisor to the Director for Personnel and General Matters of JSC UMMC.

During the master class, the attendees discussed approaches to transforming the UMMC HR strategy and an HR analytics system used at Uralelectromed, which is based on data collection for prompt redeployment of personnel in case of any change in volumes of production. Besides, as part of the master class, the specialists of the Uralelectromed training center organized an excursion to the copper electrolysis shop and to the production of copper wire rod, during which the participants became acquainted with the features of the labor organization and personnel management at production units. They saw the work of KUKA robotic manipulators built in the machine for stripping cathodes. As the specialists of the plant noted, the use of a new generation of robotic equipment has sped up the technological process of stripping. The productivity of the new machine is 40% higher than that of similar equipment previously used.

Having shared the experience, the participants of the visiting master class were invited to a tour to the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers in the Ganina Yama tract. It is important to note that it was hieromonk Meliton, the acting vicegerent, who organized that excursion. He is also a USUE first-year master student (group OZM-ECHR-21) and pursues the program “Economics of Human Resources.” The tour ended with a visit to the Exposition and Exhibition Center of the monastery, which left the most pleasant impressions on the participants of the event.


At UMMC, USUE teachers and master’s students discussed issues of HR efficiency.

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