Economy of XXI century. How to make the work of enterprises more efficient?

March 20, at 19.00, the Yeltsin Presidential Center will host a lecture by Yevgeny Popov, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The lecture is included in the RAS Open Lecture Course.

At the meeting, you will receive answers to the following questions: Why could the adherence to market requirements be ineffective? What models of economic institutions work in modern economy? How can they be useful for businesses? How do clusters work? What are the main schemes of interaction between enterprises? Why could the desire to maximize profits prevent business success? What are the features of the economic science of the 21st century?

Yevgeny Popov is the head of the Center for Economic Theory of the UrB RAS Institute of Economics, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, editor-in-chief of Journal of Economic Theory.

The format of the event is a one-hour lecture followed by 45 minutes of questions-answers in the free dialogue mode.

Link to registration :


20 марта, в 19.00, в Президентском центре Б.Н. Ельцина состоится лекция члена-корреспондента РАН Евгения Попова. Лекция из цикла «Открытый лекторий РАН».

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