Excursion to Patra factory

October 20, students of Ural State University of Economics (group  KD-15) under the guidance of associate professor of the Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics Svetlana Tsaregorodtseva took an excursion to the Patra brewery of HEINEKEN Company.

The participants of the excursion were told about the world history of brewing, about the gastronomic intricacies of combining the drink with various dishes and how brewing had been developing in the Urals. As representatives of "HEINEKEN" noted, such excursions are very popular: over a year, more than 3,000 people visit the plant.

The students saw all the stages of beer production, visited technological workshops, became acquainted with modern production technology, products filtering and bottling, organization of marketing and commercial activities.

October 20, students of Ural State University of Economics (group KD-15) under the guidance of associate professor of the Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics Svetlana Tsaregorodtseva took an excursion to the Patra brewery of HEINEKEN Company.

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