Business without borders

Ural Bank of Sberbank has arranged a panel discussion «Business without Borders» for corporate clients that run foreign economic activity.

The speakers at the event were the Executive Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Nikolay Frolov, Advisor to the President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry Pavel Vorotkov, director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Fund for Entrepreneurship Support Yevgeny Kopelyan, and other experts. The heads of more than 100 Ural companies visited the seminar.

The speakers told the participants about the specifics of financing and regulation of export transactions.
«We are holding this event already for the third time. Based on the results of the previous seminars on export, we received positive feedback from our guests. And, indeed, export opportunities, opportunities for development and expansion of customers’ business for the account of partners, for the account of buyers who are abroad — this is a huge reserve that should be used. Of course, for this it is necessary to make certain efforts, therefore we try to improve our services, hold such meetings, and invite to them those speakers who could tell about their services, their ideas, and approaches to export support or foreign economic activity of our clients,» Mikhail Kissel, the governor of the Sverdlovsky branch of Sberbank said.

The second important part of the event was a financial simulation game aimed at developing financial management skills, the ability to make managerial decisions in a short time and improve the efficiency of companies’ activities.

It was an interactive game and it aroused a lot of positive emotions. The members of the USUE Department of State and Municipal Management acted as experts.

Уральский банк Сбербанка России организовал для корпоративных клиентов, которые ведут внешнеэкономическую деятельность, панельную дискуссию «Бизнес без границ». В роли экспертов выступили представители кафедры государственного муниципального управления ФГБОУ ВО УрГЭУ.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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