If we join forces, our universities will become stringer and more interesting: USUE signed an agreement with USMU

Ural State University of Economics and Ural State Medical University signed an agreement on cooperation. The parties agreed to work together in the field of education and science, in areas of mutual interest in solving urgent problems of innovative development and competitiveness among the leading educational institutions.

Universities intend to carry out joint vocational guidance activities for school students, develop and implement medical curricula at the USUE Pre-University Faculty for Foreign Citizens. In addition, it is planned to arrange the joint implementation of programs of academic mobility of faculty members, students, and trainees in the medical area of the USUE Pre-University Faculty for Foreign Citizens.

«"If we join forces, our universities will become stronger and more interesting. At USUE, students from 35 countries are being trained. Many of them ask about medical education in Russia and are interested in the terms of admission. Conducting professional guidance work with international students, we can send them to USMU. However, for this, we need your specialists. Besides, USUE has established the Department of Economics of Social Sphere, and it will be useful to your students,", - the USUE rector Yakov Silin said..

The acting USMU Rector Olga Kovtun stressed that universities can create master's programs in public health and healthcare, as the economics and management of healthcare do not lose their relevance. "We asked our students who would like to study economics in the health care system. There were a lot of interested people. We are also ready to develop a chain form of training for undergraduate and master’s programs when USUE students will study some disciplines at our university and our clinical interns, master‘s students, and undergraduates - at USUE," Olga Kovtun added.

USUE and USMU jointly implement scientific research, innovative, socially important projects as well as organize the exchange of experiences, advanced professional training for faculty and staff.

Ural State University of Economics and Ural State Medical University signed an agreement on cooperation. The parties agreed to work together in the field of education and science, in areas of mutual interest in solving urgent problems of innovative development and competitiveness among the leading educational institutions.

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