People united are invincible

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted the opening of the forum “Spiritual and Cultural Unity of Peoples of Russia: Issues of Strengthening National Civic Identity” organized with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of the Sverdlovsk region. Over 100 international and Russian students attended the forum.

Acting USUE rector, Roman Krasnov, addressed the audience with an opening speech: “USUE hosts many intercultural and interethnic events: Ural Economic Forum, Festival of National Cultures, and now we have become part of the forum dedicated to the Day of the People of the Middle Urals. Students from 68 countries study at USUE, and I can say that there are many examples of friendship when students from different countries and continents continue to be friends after graduation. The topic of today’s forum is hot because, according to Chapter 3 of the RF Constitution, Russia is a multinational state, and this, in turn, determines national policy.”

The forum discussed some issues of implementing the RF multinational policy on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, maintenance of peace, national unity, development of common civic identity, and joining efforts in the current geopolitical situation.

Natalya Gurchenok, acting director of the Department of Internal Policy of the Sverdlovsk region, noted:
“At present, our region is one of the most ‘ethnically rich’ regions of Russia. Our might is in the fact that we all together achieve labor, industrial and cultural accomplishments of the Urals. The people who live here are sensitive to culture and its preservation, and, accordingly, to the issues of preserving the spiritual and moral values and traditions of cultural heritage that are common to all of us.”

The organizers of the event told the students about the importance of mutual understanding and unity for the collaborative relationship of peoples.

Today, USUE hosted the opening of the forum “Spiritual and Cultural Unity of Peoples of Russia: Issues of Strengthening National Civic Identity”.

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