Festival of Cultures Around the World in 7 Days

April 21, 2021, the 5th festival of cultures “Around the World in 7 Days” will start at Ural State University of Economics organized with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

The event is aimed at the communication of students, their self-fulfillment, and their acquaintance with the cultures of different countries and peoples of Russia. The project is to implement the tasks of Federal Law No. 489-FZ dated 30.12.2020 "On youth policy in the Russian Federation" in terms of "increasing the level of interethnic and interfaith concord in youth environment."

The festival of cultures "Around the World in 7 Days" is a unique opportunity to visit different continents. Its participants and guests will become acquainted with the history and authentic culture of peoples from different countries, will take part in a lezghinka dance workshop, a masterclass in playing folk musical instruments, and will enjoy national dishes from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the CIS countries.

The festival will be attended by 21 ambassadors from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America, representatives of 20 national-cultural associations of the Ural region, members of the Association of International Students of Russia, and university students. The final event of the festival will be the Concert of Nations.

April 21, 2021, the 5th festival of cultures “Around the World in 7 Days” will start at Ural State University of Economics organized with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

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