At the USUE Recreation Center, students demonstrated the dance, vocal and theatrical numbers at the closing of the Festival of Sport, Intelligence and Creativity "GramMiI-2018".

Director of the USUE   Institute of Management and Information Technologies Alexander Kokovikhin supported the students:   "This is the end of a week of creativity, sport and your achievements. During this time, all participants showed outstanding creative abilities. We will certainly remember your self-realization and good drive and the Core Group will keep the memory of this for other generations. With all my heart I wish the teams to have artistic inspiration and good luck, and the audience – to thoroughly enjoy performances. "

 The concert program was divided into three parts. Dance groups of Core Groups of the Institute of Finance and Law, Institute of Economics, Institute of Food Technologies and Service, and Institute of Management and Information Technologies took the stage. The students showed chores in different genres to the most popular compositions.

Well-known music also sounded in the second part of the final concert. Here the participants demonstrated their vocal abilities. The final stage was the display of theatrical productions, where the students revealed acting and directing skills.

We would like to note that the Core Group of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies holds the festival of sports, intelligence, and creativity "GramMiI " for the seventh time. In preparation for the festival, 90 people were involved. During the week, four USUE Core Groups participated in go-cart racing, lasertag, and football tournaments, showed their ingenuity in intellectual and entertaining games "Intellectual Powder", "Weak Link", and "What’s the Point?"  and others.

Of particular interest among the students was the art competition, which took place in the USUE inner courtyard. In this competition, the students realized their artistic fantasies.

At the end of the concert, all participants of the Festival received prizes and gifts.

At the USUE Recreation Center, students demonstrated the dance, vocal and theatrical numbers at the closing of the Festival of Sport, Intelligence and Creativity "GramMiI-2018".

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