The winners of the regional stage of the Russian national Award “Student of the Year 2019” of the Sverdlovsk Region were awarded at the Ural State Economic University. 8 students of the Ural State Economic University entered the finals of the regional stage.

The National Award “Student of the Year” is an event that has been held for the sixth year in a row organized by the Sverdlovsk Regional Organization of the Russian Youth Union, the Department of Youth Policy and the Ministry of General and Professional Development of Sverdlovsk Region.

The purpose of the event is to identify and encourage the most talented and promising children with special achievements in the field of science, creativity, sports, youth policy and social activities. The award ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of Sverdlovsk Region Yuri Zelenov; Vice-Rector for Social Work of Ural State Economic University Roman Krasnov; Chairman of the Committee for Youth Policy, Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Region , Elena Chechunova; Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of Sverdlovsk Region, Chairman of Sverdlovsk Regional Organization of the Russian Youth Union Elena Zvereva; Director of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of Sverdlovsk Region Oleg Gushchin; Elena Romanova, Head of the Council of Vice-Rectors for the Educational Work of Higher Education Institutions of Sverdlovsk Region; Member of the Presidium of the Board of Directors of educational institutions of secondary vocational education of Sverdlovsk Region Denis Shevchenko.

The winners of the regional stage of the Russian national Award “Student of the Year 2019” of the Sverdlovsk Region were awarded at the Ural State Economic University. 8 students of the Ural State Economic University entered the finals of the regional stage.

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