Shaping the Eurasian space together

The venue for the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, “Multipolar world in focus of new reality”, will be St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON). The university has chosen competitions for EEYF participants in the Northwestern region of Russia.

For the second year, St. Petersburg State University of Economics becomes a co-organizer of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Igor Maksimtsev noted that the university traditionally assigned a high priority to the development of ideas and ties in the Eurasian space.

“We highly appreciate the contribution of Ural State University of Economics and consider the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum as one of the key annual events dedicated to this topic,” I.A. Maksimtsev added.

In April 2023, they will hold the following competitions at St. Petersburg State University of Economics:

  1. International competition of research papers of young scientists and students “Assessment of the regulatory impact in public administration” - Congress of Management and Law.
  2. International competition of research papers of young scientists and students “Quality of the future: a new reality of sustainable development” - Congress of Entrepreneurship and Engineering.
  3. International competition of youth business projects “Business Eurasia” - Congress of Economists and Financiers.

Students studying at universities of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation and young scientists will be able to take part in the XIII EEYF competitive events at St. Petersburg State University of Economics in person or online. The winners of the competitions will come to Ural State University of Economics to take part in the forum's final to be held from April 24 to April 28, 2023.

Participants of the XIII EEYF from the Northwestern region of the Russian Federation will present their projects at St. Petersburg State University of Economics

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