SAP General Manager for Russia and CIS spoke at USUE

Andrey Filatov, General Manager, SAP, Russia and CIS, delivered a public lecture "Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development" for students of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security.   

The meeting of students with the head of the company - a leader in the field of cloud software solutions for business was also attended by the Director of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security, Alexander Kokovikhin, the head of the USUE Department of Business Informatics, Dmitry Nazarov, the head of the SAP University Alliance in CIS region, Yuri Kupriyanov, and the director of the SAP resource center in Yekaterinburg, Konstantin Zamaraev.

All major companies in our country work on SAP technologies. The world is changing rapidly: processes and technologies are undergoing constant transformation. This helps reduce costs and improve quality and productivity. In addition to traditional tasks facing business, our company today is also trying to promote sustainable development, using ESG approaches (environmental, social, and corporate governance)," Andrey Filatov began his lecture.   

It is worth reminding that in 2018, at the International Industrial Trade Fair INNOPROM, the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, signed an agreement with Andrey Filatov, under which USUE entered the SAP University Alliance. Thanks to this cooperation, USUE students can get free access to SAP professional courses.         

Andrey Filatov, General Manager, SAP, Russia and CIS, delivered a public lecture "Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development" for students of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security.   

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