At the last meeting of 2019, the Academic Council of Ural State Economic University voted for the adoption of a new symbol of the university - the coat of arms. With the advent of the coat of arms, the university’s corporate identity was also replenished with a flag and emblem. Soon, images of the new symbol can be seen in the interiors of the university, in business correspondence and on souvenirs.

    Work on the University's coat of arms was resumed and suspended for many years. "In such matters, there are no quick and simple solutions: there were disputes, options were offered. Points of view were sometimes diametrically opposed. After all, we are talking about a special symbol and deep meanings, about the philosophical, moral and historical content, about the identification in one image of an entire organization-the University, with its history and future, " says USUE rector Yakov Silin. 

     The coat of arms is a corporate asset symbolizing a community of interests, it is a kind of quality mark, it indicates belonging to a particular group, community, family. The coat of arms is a symbol of special dignity, special quality, ”says its developer, one of the best specialists in this field - Alexander Grefenshtein, member of the Guild of Heraldic Artists of Russia and member of the Commission on Symbols of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. 

      Throughout the past year, the author worked on sketches, an ideological component. As a result of herbalism, a coat of arms depicting a griffin was born, which is a combination of mind and power, knowledge and practice. Also, the griffin is considered the guardian of treasures and the executor of God's will. A walking griffin stands on three stones, symbolizing a solid foundation, the basis of which is knowledge. The foundation is also the stone belt of the Urals, the Riphean mountains, where the university is located. In each of the three stones are Byzantine coins, which, of course, speaks of financial and economic activity. Coins are also a symbol of financial well-being. And for a university where the financial school of the Urals is concentrated and financiers have been trained for decades, this makes special sense! 

      The number three, in turn, represents faith, hope, and love. The shield of the coat of arms is divided into two colors: half azure (so called in heraldry blue) and green. Blue symbolizes Europe, green-Asia. Blue shows the combination of science, education, knowledge and theory, and green-practice, trade and various industries, which is also a direct characteristic of the educational component of the University, its advantages.

       It is worth noting that the Griffin is depicted in a collar, and in heraldry this indicates age, maturity, control, management, and service. By the way, the Griffin is not the only creature that was considered when creating the coat of arms. But the choice fell on the Griffin, since this fantastic beast corresponds to the coat of arms of the Sverdlovsk region, which also needed to be taken into account. According to Alexander Grefenstein, in addition to USUE, the Griffin is decorated only with the coat of arms of the Crimean Federal University.

       In general, Alexander Grefenshtein has been compiling emblems since 1997, and since 2001 this is his main professional activity. With his direct participation, several hundred active emblems were created. He, like no one else, understands heraldic canons, which are quite strict, so nothing contrary to them can be reflected on the coat of arms.

       Yevgeny Animitsa, chief adviser to The USUE rectorate, who has been working at the University since its Foundation for 52 years, is familiar with the author of The USUE coat of arms since working on the creation of the coats of arms of the Sverdlovsk region and the city of Yekaterinburg, which were subsequently approved and are still in effect. Yevgeny Georgievich does not hide that the discussion of The USUE coat of arms was not easy, the opinions of the members of the Academic Council were different. However, he is positive about the new symbol of the University.

      “The adopted coat of arms reflects the high status of the university. I would call it royal, princely, leadership ... It contains high goals, divine-spiritual meaning. This is a significant symbol, showing power and place among other universities, and even a kind of amulet, ”he said. - Considering that USUE is expanding every year and is systematically increasing its status among universities in the region and the country, it needs a solid emblem. The adopted coat of arms meets this requirement. Great controversy caused the symbol of the griffin. But, despite the fact that this is a character in Greek mythology, as a great history buff I will say that griffins were “born” in Siberia, the Urals, and the Riphean mountains. Therefore, this fact should not cause contradictions, since we are in the center of the Ural mountain range. "

         Viktor Zhukov, a veteran of USUE who has worked at the University since its Foundation, describes the appearance of the corporate emblem as an important event. "The coat of arms means greatness, huge achievements of the University in the field of economic education," says Viktor Grigoryevich. − The coat of arms is a symbol of the glory of USUE, which will serve as a reminder of it everywhere. I congratulate the University staff-students, teachers, employees, veterans, graduates and all those involved in the University-on this historic event!»??

At the last meeting of 2019, the Academic Council of Ural State Economic University voted for the adoption of a new symbol of the university - the coat of arms. With the advent of the coat of arms, the university’s corporate identity was also replenished with a flag and emblem. Soon, images of the new symbol can be seen in the interiors of the university, in business correspondence and on souvenirs.

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