Hero of USUE — hero of space

A cosmonaut, Hero of Russia, Sergei Prokopiev not once took part in the USUE patriotic project “Heroes Among Us”. The day before, he took command of the International Space Station.

On October 12, Russian cosmonaut, a native of Yekaterinburg, Hero of Russia, Sergei Prokopiev, became the commander of the International Space Station (ISS). The symbolic key to the station was handed over to Sergei by ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who had been the ISS commander since September 28, 2022. The crew, which includes Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitry Petelin, and Francisco Rubio, will be in orbit for 188 days, will make 5 spacewalks, and plans to set up 48 experiments.

Sergei Prokopiev has been closely cooperating with Ural State University of Economics for several years. As part of the patriotic project “Heroes Among Us”, the cosmonaut met with USUE students, told fascinating stories about the fulfillment of his dream and preparation for a space flight. The story of a 197-day space expedition turned out to be especially interesting for the students. It was for this achievement that Prokopiev received the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia from the hands of RF President Vladimir Putin.


A bright moment in the friendship between the cosmonaut and the university was the transfer of the USUE flag, which traveled in space with Prokopyev, to USUE Rector Yakov Silin. Now the flag, pennant and chevrons of the Soyuz MS-17 crew are stored in the USUE Museum.

The first Yekaterinburg cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev, a frequent guest for USUE, became the commander of the International Space Station (ISS)

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