The principal task of USUE scientific journals is continuous development and improvement

The scientific and analytical journal Upravlenets, founded by Ural State University of Economics in 2009, has been raising the hottest issues of management and marketing on its pages. During its existence, the periodical has repeatedly confirmed its reputation as one of the best in Russia. So, in October 2022, along with other USUE scientific journals, Upravlenets was successfully re-registered with the Higher Attestation Commission in connection with the updating of the list of scientific specialties. The journal shows a continuous improvement in key research chops and takes 4th place in the Science Index ranking in “Organization and Management”. Since 2018, Upravlenets has been indexed in the international bibliometric database Web of Science (ESCI) and, despite the challenges of the external environment, continues to maintain the status of its actual participant.

The work to improve the journal is carried out both in terms of content and its visual component. Therefore, for the latest issue of Upravlenets (No. 3-2023), the USUE team has developed a new cover design in its corporate style of scientific economic journals

The university uses the journal as a kind of platform for academic mobility. They maintain active cooperation with leading universities and scientists at the Russian and international levels.

The journal is going to discuss the most pressing problems faced by representatives of business and science in the new realities in two special thematic issues planned for 2023, which is the first time in its existence. At the end of June, an issue of the journal dedicated to the transformation of corporate governance in Russia came out. The discussion was held by leading experts in the corporate governance of the Ural Scientific School and other regions. In their works, the researchers focused on issues of corporate transparency and value, dividend policy, and changes in the ownership structure of Russian business in recent economic history.

The next special issue (No. 5-2023), scheduled for release in autumn, will analyze the processes of transformation of Russian markets under new conditions. The compilation of the issue is carried out in close cooperation with the invited editor, a member of the Upravlenets editorial board, A.E. Shastitko (Lomonosov Moscow State University). The joint work of USUE scientists and of other domestic universities on this issue made it possible to organize a platform for discussing the most acute problems of changing industries and enterprise strategies.

The scientific-analytical journal Upravlenets has been rebranded

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