Ural State University of Economics continues active preparation for the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and Regions of the World: the Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities." USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov held a coordination meeting with representatives of USUE structural divisions and institutes on the organization of the main youth economic event in the Ural region. 

Registration for the forum on the official website of the event will start in just a few days. The EEYF of the second decade will include the work of six thematic congresses.

It is already known that 14 more universities of Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Donetsk People's Republic, Tajikistan, China, Serbia, Peru, and Vietnam will take part in the event and send their delegations.

Large universities of Russia and former CIS countries have confirmed their readiness to become co-organizers of the XI EEYF competitions: the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Baranovichi State University (Republic of Belarus), the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus (Republic of Belarus), the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Republic of Uzbekistan), Osh Technological University (Kyrgyz Republic), the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Republic of Kazakhstan), the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade (Republic of Kazakhstan), Samarkand State University (Republic of Uzbekistan), as well as the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Due to the current situation in the world with the spread of coronavirus, EEYF - 2020 was shifted to April 2021. In 2021, the long-awaited EEYF will take place, but the format of its competitive events will be determined by the organizers taking into account the epidemiological situation.

Ural State University of Economics continues active preparation for the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and Regions of the World: the Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities." USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov held a coordination meeting with representatives of USUE structural divisions and institutes on the organization of the main youth economic event in the Ural region. 

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