The grand opening of the IV Russian-Chinese Young Entrepreneurs Congress was held at USUE. For the second time, the University organized the youth program of the Russian-Chinese EXPO, which is taking place these days in Yekaterinburg. Representatives of 20 provinces of China and 11 regions of Russia will take part in the congress.

Opening the event, the executive director of the Russian-Chinese Club of Young Entrepreneurs, deputy chairperson of the Russian Youth Union   Tatyana Seliverstova   noted that the main task of the Congress would be to resolve strategic issues of economic cooperation between Russia and China. The parties will discuss the expansion of the network of youth business incubators and new areas of cooperation.

“Late July, we plan to launch the 20th Russian-Chinese business incubator. Today, in the course of a constructive dialogue with the USUE leadership, an agreement was reached to launch such a project in 2019 at the core economic university. This will allow   both to develop joint projects in the field of education and to strengthen contacts in other spheres,” Tatyana Selivestrova concluded.

According to her, the opening in 2017 of business incubators in Ulyanovsk and Kazan and the signing of agreements allowed to attract investments worth $ 300 million.

Welcoming the participants of the congress, the USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov  noted, “It is symbolic that the dialogue with the Chinese party takes place in Yekaterinburg, which is geographically located in Asia. Mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and China is a priority not only in the trade and economic sector but also in education. In April 2019, the University will host the 10th Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and it will be dedicated to the credible economy, where the Asian section of the event will be a key one.

The need to maintain high dynamics of Russian-Chinese bilateral relations was announced by the Assistant Director of the China Youth Center for International Exchanges Jia Tiesong. According to him, the successful implementation of the youth business incubators project is largely determined by the support of President Vladimir Putin, who fully supports cooperation in various fields. Mr. Jia Tiesong also said that the main thing was not joint projects, but trust and friendship between Russia and China.

President of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs  Vitaliy Mankevich  expressed his confidence that the "turn to the East" will certainly bear fruit. "Today's start-ups and business initiatives of young entrepreneurs will grow into global corporations tomorrow," he said.

A member of the Chinese delegation Huang Jingyi made a presentation of the region, and talked about the activities of their companies in the field of transport, education, and sailing.

Ms. Huang Jingyi wished productive work to the participants of the IV Russian-Chinese Congress of Young Entrepreneurs, focusing on the practical side of cooperation. Such an approach will help young entrepreneurs develop innovative products and fill new market niches.

The grand opening of the IV Russian-Chinese Young Entrepreneurs Congress was held at USUE. For the second time, the University organized the youth program of the Russian-Chinese EXPO, which is taking place these days in Yekaterinburg. Representatives of 20 provinces of China and 11 regions of Russia will take part in the congress.

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