A breathtaking waltz in honor of the great Victory!

For the eighth year in a row, USUE hosts the Victory Waltz, an action that gives the brightest emotions. This year the number of participants approached 250 - and this is a new record!

Participants and spectators of the Victory Waltz gathered on the square in front of Ural State University of Economics. The square was decorated with scenery with photographs of the war years, flags of Russia and USUE, as well as a copy of the Victory Banner - the flag of the 150th Rifle, Order of Kutuzov 2nd class, Division, hoisted on May 1, 1945 on the Reichstag building in Berlin by Soviet soldiers.

Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics, made a welcoming speech: “Today is a great day - the day of our Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is the 77th time we celebrate this holiday and we will pay this tribute to memory forever! Victory Waltz is a symbol of our respect for the courage and heroism of the generation of winners, and more and more cities join us every year. As it was once stated, the enemy will be defeated and we will win. However, decades later, Nazism again walks tall again in Ukraine, a country close and dear to us. This enemy will be defeated again, and our great people, our culture, will triumph, so that many generations of our fellow citizens could live in peace and security!”

Viktor Grigoryevich Zhukov, USUE associate professor, Veteran of Labor, congratulating the participants and spectators of the Victory Waltz, said that our university was created by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, over 20 departments were headed by participants in the battles of WWII. In conclusion, Viktor Grigorievich read the poem “Our Victory”, which he wrote himself.

The participants of the Victory Waltz action were preparing for the performance for more than a month: several weeks, at the USUE House of Culture, they were rehearsing. And at the appointed hour, dozens of couples from among the students of Ural State University of Economics, the Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ural State Medical University, UrFU, Polzunov College, Yekaterinburg, State Theater Institute, Ural State University of Physical Culture, Ural Law Institute of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ural College of Railway Transport, Ural State Agrarian University, Sverdlovsk Art School named after Shadr, Ural State Mining University, as well as students of schools No. 44, 106, 163, 6, 3, 81, 95 and the teams of Raduga and Nadezhda clubs, Iskorka and Variant youth centers, and the Council of High School Students of the Leninsky District.

Many of the girls were in light white dresses, and the boys were in military uniform. The dancers smiled, and some spectators choked back tears of joy. 

“I am proud to take part in the action and feel great respect for the generation of people who had defended their Motherland at such a great cost, and I feel great joy that now there is a peaceful sky above our heads!” Christina Lukina, a USUE third-year student shared her emotions.

“The waltz is very unifying, and I cannot express my emotions in words, but it is so important to feel them together with a dance partner! I take part for the first time, but our students dance the Victory Waltz at USUE every year. It seems to me that they should hold everywhere such events!” Ilya Isakov, a first-year student of the Ural Law Institute, noted.

Even modest, but cheerful and agile first-graders joined the dance on a par with adults.

“I loved dancing the waltz in front of the entire city! I was preparing for a long time, I was worried, but now I am just happy. I love this holiday, we always celebrate it, take part in various events, and watch fireworks,” Vova Riskov, a student of school No. 6, said.

The audience did not stand still!

On Victory Day, USUE international students came to share the joy and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

“I see it is really important for students to support us, especially against the backdrop of what is happening in Ukraine, because their ancestors also took part in that war! Some guys also participated in the Immortal Regiment - they bought flags themselves and joined the procession,” Elena Onishchenko, a specialist from the USUE International Cooperation Office, said.

The spectators and participants of Victory Waltz could see the exhibits of the exhibition “History of the Victory Parade” and the finds of the USUE student search team “Honor and Memory”.

By the way, the Victory Waltz has long become a popular flash mob and this year, it has united over 30 Russian cities. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yevpatoria, Saransk, Arkhangelsk, Volgodonsk, Petrozavodsk, Nyagon, Zhukov, and many cities of the Urals took part in the online action.

The traditional action of USUE - Victory Waltz - united participants from all over Russia.

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