Pride of USUE!

USUE hosted a solemn ceremony of presenting letters of gratitude to scholarship holders for the 2023-2024 academic year—students who showed outstanding abilities in educational and research activities.

The teachers and heads of the university honored students who received scholarships from the President of Russia, the Government of Russia, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, the USUE Academic Council, and E.G. scholarships. Gaidar, N.G. Veselov, and V.A. Tumanov.

“Last year, you won 27 personalized scholarships, and it seemed that this result would be difficult to surpass, but through hard work, the support of academic supervisors, and a clear understanding of why knowledge is needed, the number of scholarship holders has been doubled. I congratulate everybody on achieving top results to the glory of the university!” USUE Rector Yakov Silin said.

USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training. Dmitry Karkh noted that this year, only 110 students from all universities in the region were awarded the scholarship of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. A fifth of them, 22 scholarships, increased the portfolio of students of Ural State University of Economics.

“This is to say of the highest level of knowledge and desire of students to pursue science. Academic activity is one of the key criteria for awarding personalized scholarships. We are working tirelessly in this direction, creating new opportunities for development. So, next year, a scholarship of Professor E.G. Animitsa will be established,” Dmitry Karkh added.

Among the personalized scholarship holders are students of all levels of education represented at USUE, from college to postgraduate school.


“USUE gives us the opportunity to get closer to our dream - to study new substances at the Unified Laboratory Complex. Next year I plan to continue my studies by undertaking a master’s degree,” Alexander Ketov, a student at the USUE Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, shared his plans.

 “Receiving personalized scholarships is an important stage in scholarly endeavor, which shows that efforts are not in vain, and work is valuable not only for the university, but for the entire country. Today, research for me is a hobby that allows me to learn new things,” said Victoria Timofeeva, a student at the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance.


Four students - master’s students Elizaveta Sokolova and Diana Emakulova and bachelor’s students Elena Pashchuk and Alexander Ketov - were awarded three scholarships each. Another 13 students received by two scholarships. In total, this academic year, 34 USUE students became scholarship recipients.

Our congratulations to the students! We wish you to soar to new heights in studies and science! The university is proud of you!

54 personalized scholarships were added to the portfolio of university students

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