On the second day of the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum guests and experts presented their projects, networked with their colleagues, established business ties. We asked participants to tell us about their expectations from the forum.

Sivieng Phetvorasak, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in the Russian Federation.

-First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and deep gratitude to the USUE administration. This is my first visit. Being here at your university has made a big impression on me. I am happy to have an opportunity to get acquainted not only with a strong management team of USUE, but also with strong teachers and students. This impression will remain forever! I think that the economic and diplomatic relations between our countries will develop at a rapid pace.

Mohamed Yongavo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the Russian Federation Mr. Mohamed Yongavo:

- I think that the forum is wonderful, the organization is at a very high level. Events like this are very necessary and important for students, because they give them an opportunity to meet other students from different countries. The forum is not just a debate, it is an opportunity to learn about other countries. The key subject of the forum -trust- is very relevant. Without trust, people cannot do anything. Trust is the most important thing. A lot of conflicts occur due to the lack of trust.

Alba Asusena Torres, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Russian Federation:

- First of all, I want to sincerely congratulate your rector for such a bold and timely decision to unite so many cultures and so many people on a single platform. You have young people here and a scientific forum is flourishing. Everyone is united by the spirit of community, which can not but make us happy.

Adu Yao Nikaz, President of the Association of Foreign Students of Russia

- The forum is very important! I remember how it all began. I visited 5 forums out of 10. Every year this event is becoming increasingly important. The important part of the forum is the support of representatives of the diplomatic missions and local authorities. The forum topic is very important! The economy of mutual trust is the basis of cooperation at different levels. All kinds of relationships, not just between people, should be built on trust.

Karl Helmut, Dr., Professor of the Ruhr Research Institute for Innovation and Structural Policy

- I am surprised to see a huge number of people of different nationalities. There are a lot of children here. It's a pleasure to see the way you work with them. Young people come and see what exciting life the university has, they learn. Successful students are a good example to the younger generation.

Guest of Honor of the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum Baron von Renteln Ernestus Oswald (Federal Republic of Germany):

- This is the first time I take part in the forum. The German side, after lanalysing potential contacts with leading universities in Russia, has found information about the economic forum, which is held annually at USUE. It impressed them. That's why we decided to take part in the forum, and the forum is a siccess. The forum has a very good name. For me, this is a very big and important event that will leave only the best impressions. I wouldlike to say that USUE Rector Yakov Silin, has managed to combine the intellectual and spiritual components and to bring them to the forum. The basis of relations between people is the human behavior. We all at this round table have the opportunity to promote our ideas and feel free to talk about them.

On the second day of the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum guests and experts presented their projects, networked with their colleagues, established business ties. We asked participants to tell us about their expectations from the forum.

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