Governor supports EEYF

The Governor of the Sverdlovsk region and USUE rector talked about the results of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and the next EEYF.

According to the head of the region, holding such large forums in the Middle Urals, which reveal the potential of the Sverdlovsk region, allows launching new initiatives in the humanitarian sphere, public diplomacy, and economy. This was reported by the Department of Information Policy of the Sverdlovsk region.

The forum on the topic “Multipolar World in the Focus of New Reality” was held this April. Over 12 thousand people from 79 regions of Russia and 107 countries of the world took part in it. Regional and national rounds of the forum were held at the universities of Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and abroad - in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. “The forum has become a notable event. We were right to choose the topic dedicating the forum to multipolarity. This topic is relevant today and is voiced at all major global venues. Maybe this is also what determined such a high demand for the event,” Yakov Silin said.

According to the USUE rector, the work to form an organizing committee to prepare for the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum - 2024 is underway. They are discussing the business program of the event and the organization of an invitation campaign for forum participants, including in cooperation with Rossotrudnichestvo.

Over the years, above 50 thousand young scientists and experts have become its participants. Universities and research centers, major industrial companies, national and international business associations, socio-political and ethnocultural international youth organizations operating in over 50 countries of the world take part in the event. Schoolchildren, students, postgraduates, young scientists and specialists aging from 16 to 35 can join the forum.

EEYF is a forum that helps reveal the potential of the Sverdlovsk region

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