A good CV is a shortcut to employment

How to make a potential employer be interested in you and catch attention of an HR manager with your CV? All these were the subject matter of the talk with students of the USUE Department of Quality Management within "Recruiter Hour". Director of the Yekaterinburg branch of portal RABOTA.RU Anna Savina shared the secrets of writing a CV when looking for a job.

"A recruiter browses your CV no more than two minutes. It should not be big. The best option is one A4 sheet," Anna Savina said. “Please show only the work experience that will be of interest to a particular employer. For example, if you worked a second job as the Snow Maiden, do not to write about it in your CV."

The consultant shared her professional experience and answered questions from students. Department of interaction with employers at the USUE Human Resources Department continues a series of monthly consultations "Recruiter Hour". The skills of writing CVs and sailing through a job interview will help students and graduates avoid typical mistakes and stand out among other candidates in the labor market.

How to make a potential employer be interested in you and catch attention of an HR manager with your CV? All these were the subject matter of the talk with students of the USUE Department of Quality Management within "Recruiter Hour". Director of the Yekaterinburg branch of portal RABOTA.RU Anna Savina shared the secrets of writing a CV when looking for a job.

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