The competition of employers’ cases “HR GROWTH” ended today at Ural State University of Economics as part of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. Employers provided actual tasks, and students provided ways to settle them.

Integrating the university and employers is a chance for students to find a job, and for employers—to find employees.

“Experts provided us with real-life cases they need that are important for their companies. These are all hot topics, actual tasks. The participants were asked to solve these cases, offer their vision of the problem and offer ways-out of it,” says Irina Nazarenko, coordinator of the HR GROWTH competition.

Guests from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk came to the presentation of projects. Representatives of foreign countries also became interested in cases. And not only those who study at USUE, but also those who already work for major companies.

“I think there is no doubt about the level of expertise of our invited guests and their professionalism,” Svetlana Dolzhenko, head of the USUE Department of Labor Economics and Human Resources Management, comments. “I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today in all classrooms there are defenses of projects in other competitions, in other areas - these are finances, economics, food security, international economic relations, and so on. And our competition is part of a huge forum.”

It is interesting that some contestants worked under time pressure - they had to solve several tasks in parallel, including those related to their studies, since participation in the forum does not exempt them from lectures and homework. Thus, USUE third-year students Anastasia Medvedeva, Kristina Kostrova and Yulia Devyatova, representing the ATOM Minerals group of companies, admitted that it was not so easy.

Yulia Devyatova shares her memories of preparing for the defense of the project: “The deadlines were tight, so we got together, worked, divided tasks among ourselves Someone handled the defensive speech, someone was responsible for the concept of the project, someone - for the design of the presentation. We have been working as a team for the second year. We are very comfortable with each other, so there were no problems, and we made a worthy case.”

The girls said that the company has a problem with high staff turnover, so their task was to reduce turnover from 25% to 15% using corporate culture tools.

“We have developed an action plan. It includes many measures, but the most important is to introduce a personnel reserve. We offer a new form - a school of leadership with a mentoring level. Those who enter the school will be mentors to students. This is how we propose to start interacting with educational institutions so that our employees become curators. Individual development plans will be drawn up for students and specific tasks will be determined for them. And our employees will develop managerial qualities in themselves and at the same time educate new specialists, the younger generation,” Yulia Devyatova continues.

The participants are confident that their project will help the employer solve the issue of staff turnover, which means that the contestants themselves will be worth of victory.

The competition of employers’ cases “HR GROWTH” ended today at Ural State University of Economics as part of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum

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