And this day is more precious than all the years ... Participants from all over Russia danced Victory Waltz

For the seventh time, Ural State University of Economics has held the Victory Waltz action, dedicated to the heroic deed of the Soviet people in the struggle against invaders. This date will stay forever not only in the history of Russia and the countries united by common Soviet history but also in the soul of each of us. Victory Day will forever remain in memory as a day of pride, great joy, and endless admiration for the feat of our heroic ancestors. We will always remember the tremendous efforts, hardships, and sacrifices at the cost of which the Great Victory was gained.

76 years ago, on this day, the war with German Nazism ended. We remember with gratitude our warriors, our defenders who saved the world in a fierce battle. Thanks to them, we now live under a peaceful sky.

The event was opened by the USUE rector Yakov Silin: “Many decades ago, our grandfathers, probably, could not have imagined, but they hoped that generations would pass, and descendants would honor the Victory, the labor of their ancestors for the good of the future. The Victory Waltz, akin to the Immortal Regiment, makes it possible to thank them again. To that eternity where they left, and to the Victory that they deserved. I thank everyone who is here today. Let us together congratulate each other on the great Victory of the Soviet people!"

USUE veteran Viktor Zhukov made a solemn speech: “Today is a very good, glorious, and good day, the sweetest for our multinational country - Victory Day! Our University was founded by the participants of the Great Patriotic War. Let us rejoice at all that was glorious in the activities of SINKH, now USUE, thanks to all these people!"

After an incredibly soulful and beautiful waltz, the participants composed a Russian tricolored flag, which they “painted” with white, blue, and red scarves, accompanied by the song Victory Day (music by David Tukhmanov, poem by Vladimir Kharitonov). 

More than 40 participants sent their videos and thus having taken part in the dance flash mob Victory Waltz.

For the seventh time, Ural State University of Economics has held the Victory Waltz action, dedicated to the heroic deed of the Soviet people in the struggle against invaders. This date will stay forever not only in the history of Russia and the countries united by common Soviet history but also in the soul of each of us. Victory Day will forever remain in memory as a day of pride, great joy, and endless admiration for the feat of our heroic ancestors. We will always remember the tremendous efforts, hardships, and sacrifices at the cost of which the Great Victory was gained.

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