III All-Russian Congress of Youth Scientific Unions

From 29 June to 2 July, the Chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova took part in the III All-Russian Congress of Youth Scientific Unions (Tyumen). 

The Congress became a communicative space for the development of the all-Russian system of youth scientific unions, enhancing their role in involving students in research activities. 

The participants of the event built a system of interaction between the Councils of Scientific Unions and Student Design Bureaus with Councils of Young Scientists and other scientific-oriented public associations. The congress included training of the project-based approach to the implementation of scientific and innovative tasks, key competencies and efficient practices in the organization of scientific societies' development, and helped determine the role of Student Scientific Society and Special Design Bureau in university scientific activities.

The Congress was organized by Tyumen State University, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Sphere of Science and Education under the Presidential Council for Science and Education, and the All-Russian Club of Young Researchers.

From 29 June to 2 July, the Chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova took part in the III All-Russian Congress of Youth Scientific Unions (Tyumen).

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