City Impulses: dance contest at USUE

January 19, on the stage of the USUE Recreation Center, students' teams competed in a dance battle. The fifth StarTeen-2018 was held under the motto "City Impulses".

The contest promotes a healthy lifestyle, where dancing is a sport and a lifestyle of modern, intellectual, creative youth. In addition, it helps to reveal the creative potential of the participants and to knit together a young team.

The participants of the contest were the students of the USUE Institute of Economics, Institute of Management and Information Technologies, Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, Institute of Finance and Law, as well as the USUE College students and members of Eurasian Core Group of senior high school students.

The rules of the StarTeen-2018 dance contest are simple: the teams have to prepare a homework dance on a given topic, to come up with their own idea, to assign a team captain, to show a uniform style in clothes, and to present a team's video.

As a homework assignment, the teams got the cities of different countries, which specifics they had to show in the dance. The jury evaluated the teams' technical merits and originality of performance, taking into account the artistry and synchronism of movements. For dancers, it was also important to maximize the topic and match costumes with it.

We would like to note that the jury includes the heads of general education institutions, public organizations, deputy headmasters for curriculum and discipline, choreographers, and representatives from various companies.

The best teams were awarded Certificates of Participation, and the leader received the prize and the Winner's Diploma.

January 19, on the stage of the USUE Recreation Center, students' teams competed in a dance battle. The fifth StarTeen-2018 was held under the motto "City Impulses".

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