Cooperation with China

Representatives of Yekaterinburg and Ordos (PRC) held a meeting as part of the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM. Yakov Silin, USUE rector and chair of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg, was a member of the delegation of the Ural capital. The head of the university proposed to the mayor of the Chinese megapolis to cooperate in education.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Yakov Silin noted today USUE cooperated with 18 universities in the People’s Republic of China. As for now, 102 students from China study at the university.

The meeting resulted in the signing of a protocol of intent to establish friendly relations between megacities. The document was signed by the mayor of the Ural capital, Alexey Orlov, and the mayor of the city of Ordos, Du Huiliang.

Yekaterinburg and Ordos are similar in many ways. These are two industrial and economic centers with great innovative, scientific and cultural potential. Both cities are relatively young, distinguished by their desire to grow and open new horizons for their residents,” emphasized Alexey Orlov.

The head of Yekaterinburg said that the two megapolises will cooperate not only in education and research but also in economy, trade, culture, and tourism.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin took part in a meeting with Mr. Du Huiliang, the mayor of Ordos

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