Foreigners study Russian at USUE

The solemn presentation of certificates to foreign graduates of the USUE preparatory faculty took place at Ural State University of Economics. This year, they will enter Ural universities, colleges and technical schools.

Elena Knyazeva, Vice-Rector or Extended Education and Career Guidance addressed the graduates of the USUE preparatory faculty: “Dear students, let me congratulate you on behalf of the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin. You came to Russia not knowing the language, traditions, foundations and values with which our country lives. Now you know everything: you can exchange greetings, thank anybody, and, what is most important, communicate in Russian in those professional areas in which you will continue your education. I would like to thank the teachers and staff of the faculty who worked with you. I understand how difficult it is to teach one of the most difficult languages to people from Turkey, Germany, China and other foreign countries. I wish you good health and good luck! Please remember that Ural State University of Economics is your first stage of life in Russia.”

74 future students of Ural higher and secondary educational institutions received certificates of completion of training under an additional program to prepare foreign citizens to master professional educational programs in Russian. For ten months, guests of Yekaterinburg from over fifty countries of the world studied the Russian language in depth, starting from scratch. They took part in city and university events, plunging into the atmosphere of Russian student life. The teachers of the preparatory faculty introduced the students to the traditions, culture and peculiarities of life in Russia.

Now future applicants of Ural educational institutions speak Russian almost fluently. The USUE preparatory faculty trains students in several areas, and graduates are preparing for admission not only to our university but also to other Ural universities of medical, technical, humanitarian, natural science, and economic specialization. The faculty offers courses to enter oil-and-gas universities, and even universities of arts. The graduates are happy to show their knowledge of the Russian language and share their plans for future studies in Russia and in the Ural.

About 80 foreigners received certificates of studies in the Russian language at the USUE preparatory faculty.

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