The Institution of Man is 10 years old!

In November 2017, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (Russian abbreviation — ENIICH). In connection with this, on November 23 at 12:00 in USUE classroom 152, a jubilee meeting of ENIICH will be held. The topic of the meeting is «Man and Society: Results and Prospects of Interaction».

The participants will be greeted by the USUE Rector, Doctor of Economics, ENIICH First Vice-President Yakov Silin, Chairman of UB RAS, Academician Valery Charushin, and ENIICH President, Academician Valery Chereshnev.

The agenda of the meeting includes the following reports:

13:00 — 13:10 Elena Zaborova, Professor, Doctor of Sociology, chair of the USUE Department of Applied Sociology, «Man and Society: Some Common Questions and Specific Answers.»

13:10 — 13:20 Sergei Moshkin, Doctor of Education, Institute of Philosophy and Law under Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

13:20 — 13:30 Aleksandr Kokovikhin, Ph.D.(Economics), Director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies.

At the end of the meeting, Valery Chereshnev will be awarded the title of USUE Honorary Professor. Besides, participants of the anniversary meeting will be awarded Lomonosov Medals of Russian Ecological Academy and certificates of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

For reference:

In 1999, under the auspices of UB RAS, Intellectual and Business Club was established, which quickly gained popularity. Gradually, the club was expanding and evolved into ENIICH and after eight years of nomadic life moving from one location to another, it found its home at USUE.

The main problems discussed at ENIICH meetings are always related to the cognition of the Universe and a Human Being, which many scientists compare to the universe in its immensity and complexity of study. As you know, a person has three main needs: to live, to know, and to gain a footing in society. To realize them, scientists, teachers, and intellectuals join in various collaborations. One of such collaborations is ENIICH, which for several years has proven its usefulness as an opportunity for an open dialogue on many issues vital to a Man.

In November 2017, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (Russian abbreviation — ENIICH). In connection with this, on November 23 at 12:00 in USUE classroom 152, a jubilee meeting of ENIICH will be held. The topic of the meeting is «Man and Society: Results and Prospects of Interaction».

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