“Integration” will set in a right course

Today, USUE Vice-Rector for Research Viktor Kovalev is taking part in the Eurasian Business Forum “Integration” in Moscow. One of the key topics in 2022 will be the development of the Greater Eurasian Partnership.

Today in Moscow, with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the RAS Scientific Council on complex problems of the Eurasian economic integration, modernization, competitiveness and sustainable development, the annual Eurasian Business Forum “Integration” was held. From USUE, Viktor Kovalev, USUE Vice-Rector for Research, Doctor of Economics, professor at the Department of World Economy and Foreign Economic Activity, took part in the plenary session of the forum.

The plenary session of the forum was held in the format of an open business dialogue on: “Interaction of the Eurasian Economic Commission with the business community of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in the transition's context to a new world economic order.” The participants discussed the Greater Eurasian Partnership, practical results and new horizons of Eurasian integration, and technological sovereignty of the EAEU.

The topics of discussion were Eurasian interests in state support for industry, the formation of a unified system of technical regulation within the EAEU space, world-class IT solutions, and the creation of end-to-end cooperation in mechanical engineering. They touched upon issues of energy and ensuring the sustainable functioning of the transport complexes of the EAEU countries and outlined promising areas and areas of cooperation and business development.

The major focus of the discussion was on the search for innovative projects and business ideas that will allow developing in the current economic conditions, relying on the internal resources of the Union countries and cooperation with partners from friendly countries.

The forum also organized a territory of business interaction for conducting direct negotiations to find new partners and establish useful business contacts.

Forum moderator Sergey Glazyev during the plenary session of the forum emphasized the special importance of the educational agenda for the development of the EAEU. On May 26, 2022, an agreement on the establishing the Eurasian Network University (ENU) was signed in Bishkek. USUE Rector Yakov Silin in Bishkek supported this initiative and signed an agreement on USUE joining as a full member of the Eurasian Network University.

The Network University is being formed as part of implementing new lines for the development of Eurasian integration, reflected in the Strategy-2025, for the gradual formation of a barrier-free environment in education. The Memorandum says that the goals of the ENU are to develop the human and intellectual capital of the EAEU, promote global competitiveness and long-term prosperity of the economies of the EAEU countries, and do the groundwork for improving the quality of life of citizens. 

USUE Vice-Rector for Research Viktor Kovalev takes part in the Eurasian Business Forum “Integration” in Moscow

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