How the exchange of goods for goods is called, what was used instead of gold in Egypt, how long a working day for people under 18 should last, and what the process of issuing money by the state is called… The answers to these and other questions are known by the participants   of International intellectual and entertaining game "Intelligence of Eurasia" , which took place on April 18 at USUE .

Five teams from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Yekaterinburg, and Pervouralsk came to participate in the event within the framework of IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

"Intelligence of Eurasia"   is a team game in which high school students compete among themselves in the ability to find the right answer (for a limited time) to economic questions posed to them. The game consists of 2 stages: preliminary qualifying stages and the final. The event is of vocational guidance character: with its help, students could immerse themselves in economic topics and test their knowledge.  

In total, seven economic headings were presented, of which each team in turn could choose a question of a certain "cost": terms, taxes, currency, laws, elections, money, and banks. For each correct answer, they could earn "money", and penal sanctions were applied for incorrect answers.

A welcoming speech was delivered by Irina Martyanova, director of the Congress of High School Students, "I congratulate that you are already finalists of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, because among you there are nominees and winners of the" Kaleidoscope of Ideas" competition. Today, the teams will compete in a friendly game, and, in addition, you can make close acquaintance with each other. "

Sergei Rogozhin, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, wished success to the students, "I am glad to welcome all of you to our game. Today, you will compete on equal terms. I know that you have been preparing hard, so I wish you good luck! "

In the course of the fascinating game, the participants answered economic questions, all together conferred, showing cohesion and team spirit, and were earning "money" for their teams.

Following the results of the game, the team of Pervouralsk Lyceum 21 and the team of UzbekistanSmart School” (the smallest participants from Tashkent) were awarded Certificates of Participation and souvenirs.

The third place was taken by the Kyrgyz team from Bishkek (school No. 29 and school No. 62), and second place went to school students from Kazakhstan (lyceum No. 2). The first-place diploma was received by school № 200 from Yekaterinburg.   The winner and runners-up received a special prize - "The Star of Eurasia" of the first, second and third degrees, respectively, as well as extra points to be added to the USE results when entering USUE.

Summing up the game, Sergei Rogozhin said, "We hope that next year you will come again to the Eurasian Economic Forum, because it is you who will continue to build relations between the countries."


How the exchange of goods for goods is called, what was used instead of gold in Egypt, how long a working day for people under 18 should last, and what the process of issuing money by the state is called… The answers to these and other questions are known by the participants of International intellectual and entertaining game "Intelligence of Eurasia" , which took place on April 18 at USUE .

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