Interview of Rector Yakov Silin to the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda

The head of the University told what enterprises are interested in USUE graduates and how the University will develop.

- Yakov Petrovich, you are set a task - to build the University in the economy of the region. What does it mean? 

- This means more systematic cooperation with industry, businesses, banking systems, and authorities. We go to the enterprises, we invite them to us, to teach, to offer topics for course papers and degree works of practical nature.

- What organizations have you already managed to agree with?

- There are considerable agreements with Uralvagonzavod. On their instructions, we conduct training, advanced professional training, and retraining of specialists. We cooperate with NTMK, with Scientific and Production Association of Automatics (NPO Avtomatika), with Kalinin Machine-Building Plant (ZIK), and other large enterprises. A number of specialized departments have been created at enterprises and state agencies (at UFAS, customs, ZIK, Uralkhimmash). There are proposals to establish such departments in Nizhny Tagil and Kamensk-Uralsky. We concluded an agreement with the largest in the country logistics company "Sima-land", in the banking and financial sector - with Sberbank, VTB 24, and PwC.

- On September 10, USUE will be 50 years old. What results can you report of?

- Half a century ago, it was so cleverly calculated which specialists are needed for the national economy, that in 50 years our training areas have been almost completely preserved. We teach six foreign languages, offer 20 training areas for the bachelor's degree, nine - for the master’s degree, and three - in the postgraduate school. Over the past year, we have twice increased all our indicators for educational and scientific activities. Two new dissertational councils were opened, one of them jointly with South Ural State University. We founded a new scientific journal "Food Industry".

- Is there any wish for an anniversary?

- We need a new training and laboratory building and one more dormitory. It is also necessary to develop a sports complex. Our Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev has already supported us in this. I would like the same decision to be taken at the federal level.

The full version of the interview is available at

The head of the University told what enterprises are interested in USUE graduates and how the University will develop.

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