Research projects of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management were supported by RFBR

One of the priority areas of development of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management for 2018 is the creation of a scientific school that could help nurture young scientists, promote defense of their dissertations and publication of their articles in high-ranking scientific journals and also make up a scientific agenda in the field of labor economics for researchers of our country. This initiative was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), which, following the results of the 2017 competitive campaign, approved 8 applications for conducting scientific research at Ural State University of Economics  including 2 applications from the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management at the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies.

One of the winning projects was initiated by Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, associate professor at the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management.  The project is a continuation of the dissertation research, which is carried out by the scientist and is related to the assessment of the human resources management mechanism in the system of formation and implementation of professional competencies at the regional level. This system is on the threshold of grandiose changes, after which it will be built into the educational processes, and the degree of its standardization will allow achieving new results in the development of labor relations in the country. The federal level of management forms the target vision of the system of professional qualifications in the country but the specifics of some members of the federation impacts its application in the regions, builds the need to use specialized mechanisms for the formation and implementation of relevant regional policies, and makes the project extremely relevant for research.

The second application was filed by Natalia Tonkikh, associate professor at the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, and is devoted to the impact of the development of distance female employment on the institution of parenthood. The scientist of our University has grasped the key problem of the modern labor market in our country: the development of distance employment will inevitably affect the most important institutions of modern society, primarily the institution of parenthood. In order to manage new processes, we need to evaluate them, for this purpose the project is supposed to rethink the policy in the field of fertility, evaluate the efficiency of existing tools for forming a having-many-children attitude, and strengthen the targeting of social programs in the field of maternity support.

The staff of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management congratulates colleagues and wishes them successful implementation of their scientific initiatives.

One of the priority areas of development of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management for 2018 is the creation of a scientific school that could help nurture young scientists, promote defense of their dissertations and publication of their articles in high-ranking scientific journals and also make up a scientific agenda in the field of labor economics for researchers of our country.

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