Story firsthand: USUE students met with the military intelligence operatives of the Great Patriotic War

On the eve of the of the Military Intelligence Day, which is traditionally celebrated in Russia on November 5, a meeting of students with representatives of military intelligence operatives - participants in the Great Patriotic War was held at Ural State University of Economics .

“They are not just witnesses of the most brutal and bloody war in history, they are heroes! Being young, beardless boys, they had to carry out responsible tasks behind enemy lines, showing flawless proficiency, competence and ingenuity. They honorably fulfilled their duty to the Motherland. Today, the political situation in the world is also tense. You should be ready, if necessary, to replace them and to defend the Motherland,” Rector USUE Yakov Silin noted in his welcoming speech.

The legendary intelligence operatives, who participated in the Bagration strategic offensive operations, in the crushing defeat of fascists in East Prussia, and in the assault and seizure of Konigsberg, talked about the everyday life of wartime. They detected and pursued the enemy under a flurry of tracer bullets and never-ending artillery bombardment. From the frozen and rain-filled trenches, dugouts or cellars, the collected, as a rule at night, information about the number, location, and plans of the enemy was transmitted by Morse code to the headquarters. Often, due to the specific work of front-line reconnaissance, field kitchen for young fighters was replaced with field ration. However, in rare moments of breathing spell before the next battle, the Red Army soldiers found time not only to write letters to their relatives but also to sing songs.

After the meeting, the students had the opportunity to ask questions to the heroes. Future economists wondered what the size of the monetary allowance was and whether there were cases of late payment, whether it was scary to come face to face with death, and others. The event ended with taking a commemorative photo.

Besides, as part of the events, that day there was rewarding of students - participants and winners of various stages of military sports games.

В канун Дня военного разведчика, который в России традиционно отмечается 5 ноября, в Уральском государственном экономическом университете прошла встреча студентов с представителями военной разведки – участниками Великой Отечественной войны.

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