Professor Italo  Trevizan,  Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, a member of the Management Committee of the international program “European  Master  in  Business  Studies” and  academic director of the Joint Program  European  Master  in  Comparative  Local  Development, visited IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum as an expert and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the University of Trento and USUE.

The professor acts as the coordinator of cooperation of University of Trento with universities of Russia. USUE cooperation with the University of Trento began in 2006 as part of Erasmus Mundus consortium of universities. For years of development of bilateral cooperation, Italo Trevizan became a regular participant of scientific events at USUE and since 2009 he has been taking part in the EEYF every year.

- You have been participating in the forum since 2009, what changes in its work would you like to note?

We see the progress, every year the organization of the forum is getting better. We see that now more attention is paid to cooperation in the field of education between universities, in which I am personally interested.

EEYF is an opportunity for students and university staff from different countries all over Eurasia to gather in one place. We annually hold the international competition of applied projects of young scientists and students "Marketing Challenges - Trento", in which teams from the University of Trento, USUE, and other universities take part. I accompanied the delegation of students in the final of the competition, which is traditionally held within the framework of EEYF. It seems to us that this is a very important project that allows us developing student contacts. Besides, we met with the Rector Yakov Silin and discussed scientific cooperation. A new project was proposed to implement jointly with other foreign universities, in particular, with the University of Kassel. In addition, we discussed a double degree program with the University of Trento in the field of international management and the participation of students in exchange programs.

- What is the basis for joint university projects?

The basis for the development of contacts was the agreement of the European Union Erasmus Mundus. Under this program, a network of European universities was established. The program allowed students to exchange and start our cooperation. Then, an exchange of teachers followed. A teacher from USUE arrived at the University of Trento, and afterward I was invited to participate in the forum. This is a unique opportunity to build a bridge and unite all the countries of Eurasia for an exchange of views. I also started the project "Marketing Challenges - Trento". It provided for performing companies’ consulting assignments by students. With my USUE colleague Irina Neganova, we found out that the Russian market was promising and interesting for Italian companies, including for medium-sized ones. We decided that joint groups of students can be set up to develop contacts. Teams of students of the University of Trento and students of USUE jointly explored the prospects of entering the Russian market, under the instructions of commercial companies. So we started cooperation, which, I hope, will continue.

Professor Italo Trevizan, Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, a member of the Management Committee of the international program “European Master in Business Studies” and academic director of the Joint Program European Master in Comparative Local Development, visited IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum as an expert and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the University of Trento and USUE .

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