Italian masters degree students became acquainted with marketing peculiarities in Russia

From March 15 to 28, the University of Trento, Italy, hosted lectures within the module "Doing business in Russia” devoted to Marketing in Russia. The series of lectures was devoted to the theory and practice of marketing in Russia and was delivered by Tatyana Leonidovna Sysoyeva, associate professor at the USUE Department of International Management and Marketing.

Master's students majoring in International Management and Innovation Management listened to lectures on the following topics:

  1. The Role of Marketing in Russia
  2. Peculiarities of approaches to segmentation of Russian consumers
  3. Marketing communications in Russia
  4. Characteristics of Russian distribution channels

We would like to note that the students took an active part in the lectures, and the questions asked on the specifics of legislation in advertising, promotion, and organization of the transportation system, indicate the interest of the audience.


The students’ feedback was rather positive:

"Your seminars were really interesting. I like marketing, and I am very passionate about learning it. It was a great pleasure to consider marketing issues in Russia and learn about the differences that exist. One of the most interesting topics was the study of examples of Russian organizations advertising campaigns." Cristina Gorgone

 "It was really interesting to find out how marketing activities in Russia are organized. It was useful to be acquainted with the legislative norms in the field of advertising, as the requirements are different in different countries."  Giulia Bertuzzo

 "I learned a lot of interesting things about Russia as a country for future investments." Luca Lo Presti .

 "I liked the classes. For me, the most useful information was the adaptation of marketing strategies for successful work in the Russian market. The Russian market is attractive for foreign companies. The study of the peculiarities of Russian consumers was very useful because we perceive them as similar to European ones. I am glad that I attended these classes. Thank you". Diksha Sharma .

The main purpose of such an event is to give students an opportunity to become acquainted with   specifics of the chosen country and to prepare future specialists for work in international companies.

From March 15 to 28, the University of Trento, Italy, hosted lectures within the module "Doing business in Russia” devoted to Marketing in Russia.

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