USUE hosted the finals of competition of projects in foreign languages “Innovative Solutions”. The participants were students and schoolchildren from Yekaterinburg and Moscow. 28 projects reached the finals.

The competition participants presented their projects in English, French, Spanish, and German in five areas: Innovations in Economy, Innovations in Education, Innovations in the Social Sphere, Material and Technical Innovations, and Innovations in Management.

“Today, when the topic of innovation is especially hot, it is important for the younger generation to develop the ability to make new non-standard solutions and apply a creative approach. The participants showed how many new interesting ideas and technologies can be used by society,” Irina Stikhina, head of the USUE Department of Foreign Languages, noted.

There were 70 projects submitted. The finalists were USUE College and bachelor’s students, bachelor’s and master’s students from the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow) and Higher School of Economics (Moscow), and schoolchildren from gymnasium No. 144 (Yekaterinburg).

“Listening to innovative ideas in foreign languages that are rarely heard in life was very interesting. I enjoyed the variety of topics of speeches and the different approaches to their presentation,” shared Polina Bokovikova, a fourth-year student at USUE, expressing her impressions.

After the qualifying round, 28 projects reached the finals, 17 projects received diplomas of various degrees. Six of them took first place.

In Innovation in Economy, 1st place was taken by:

- USUE students Anna Voronova and Alexandra Galimova. The girls defended the project in Spanish “Desarrollo de cafes infantiles usando tendencies innovadoras” - about a cafe for children with innovative solutions that attract children’s audience;

- Daniil Aksyonov, a USUE fourth-year student, presented a project in French on problems of development and prospects for the “green economy” in Russia - “L’éco-économie en Russie: problèmes de développement”

In Innovations in Education, the winners were:

- USUE students Anastasia Kuznetsova and Anna Khalevina with a project in Spanish on new additional opportunities for using electronic resources for the benefit of students “Innovación en materiales educativos: utilizar las últimas tecnologías para crear recursos educativos interactivos y atractivos”;

- Aleksandra Simonova, a student of the Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow). Aleksandra presented a project in English on the capabilities of art to develop children (innovative pedagogical technologies) “Storytelling quest for children in art galleries.”

In Material and Technical Innovations, the jury awarded 1st place to:

- USUE student Ilona Voloskova. She successfully defended a project in Spanish on the potential of artificial intelligence “La potencial de la application de la technology de intelligence artificial en psicología”;

- USUE students Anastasia Melnikova and Ksenia Pichugina. The jury highly appreciated their work in English about the capabilities and application of artificial intelligence in game development “Using AI in game development”.

The USUE Department of Foreign Languages annually holds a competition of projects in foreign languages for students of Russian colleges and universities. The participation in the competition, as the department staff think, promotes the exchange of scientific information among students, developing the participants’ linguistic competence and their communication skills.

USUE students became laureates of the project competition “Innovative Solutions”

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