Summing up MAEF-2024

From April 1 to May 28, the regional platform of the VI International Moscow Academic Economic Forum - Russian Economy 2024+: New Solutions for the New Reality - ran at Ural State University of Economics. About 2.5 thousand people attended it: this is the largest number of participants in the entire history of holding forum events in the Urals.

The transition to a new level of scientific and technological development, expansion of cooperation with friendly countries and the creation of innovative financial instruments were the main issues of discussion among experts from Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Perm, and Novosibirsk. The Sverdlovsk region hosted 33 international and national scientific conferences, workshops, and public lectures.  

 “This year, MAEF at our university has become larger. Its distinctive feature was a practice-oriented approach involving industrial enterprises and the municipality. Besides, for the first time within the framework of the Ural cluster, a panel on noonomics was held at the Moscow State University site. This event is of great importance for the development of this area and the center for noonomics at USUE,” said Svetlana Pyankova, vice-president of the Ural branch of the VEO of Russia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor at the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management.

The key event of MAEF-2024 in the Urals was the IV national research-to-practice conference “Synergy of Science, Business and Government” held at Ural State University of Economics. Its participants discussed technological sovereignty in Russia. The conference brought together heads of government bodies, directors of major industrial enterprises, and representatives of regional universities.

The organizers of the events of the MAEF Ural cluster were USUE, the Government of the Sverdlovsk region, the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia.

The Urals alone hosted over 30 conferences, workshops, and public lectures

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