Results of XIII All-Russia youth contest My Lawmaking Initiative

From May 22 to May 24, 2018, Moscow hosted the in-person round of the XIII All-Russia youth contest for the best work "My Lawmaking Initiative" with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the national public organization "Integration".

As a result of the competitive selection of the absentia round of the contest, laureates and participants were determined. Alltogether 280 students from Russia were invited to Moscow to participate in the in-person round.
Students of Ural State University of Economics showed a high level of scientific works submitted to the contest.
At the closing ceremony of the XIII All-Russia youth forum "My Lawmaking Initiative", USUE students were awarded certificates.

List of winners:
Winner’s certificate (Education, Science, Health, and Culture) was awarded to Elizaveta Karelina (academic advisor - Maria Vilacheva, a teaching assistant, Department of Public Law);
First-place certificate (Social Policy) was awarded to Maria Zavyalova (academic advisor - Elena Elfimova, associate professor Ph.D. in Law, Department of Civil Law);
First-place certificate (Defense and Security) Alena Ulyushina (academic advisor - Inara Yagofarova, associate professor, Ph.D. in Law, Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation );
First-place certificate (Economic Policy) was awarded to Anastasia Yaburova (academic advisor - Alexei Romanov, the chair of the Department of Public Law, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor);
First-place certificate (Defense and Security) was awarded to Alena Pichugina (academic advisor - Irina Soshnikova, associate professor, Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Department of Public Law,);
Second-place certificate (Youth Policy) was awarded to Anna Malysheva (academic advisor - Oksana Kolotkina, associate professor, Ph.D. in Law, Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation,);
Second-place certificate (Economic policy) was awarded to Yulia Berseneva (academic advisor - Oksana Kolotkina, associate professor, Ph.D. in Law, Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation,).

Special attention was paid to the scientific works of Elizaveta Karelina and Maria Zavyalova. At the awarding ceremony, Maria Zavyalova received the medal "For the best scientific student work". Elizaveta Karelina received the highest award of the contest at the solemn reception of the contest winners at the State Duma of the Russian Federation - the name badge of merit "Deputy Reserve".
The academic advisors of the students were awarded certificates for the preparation of the prize winners of the contest and received deep appreciation for the significant contribution to the replenishment of the talent pool of the political forces of the society. The USUE Rector Yakov Silin was thanked for understanding the need to attract talented youth to the lawmaking initiative and for assisting in the preparation and sending of students to the contest.
We congratulate the winners and wish them further creative success!

From May 22 to May 24, 2018, Moscow hosted the in-person round of the XIII All-Russia youth contest for the best work "My Lawmaking Initiative" with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the national public organization "Integration".

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