The results of the enrollment campaign - 2017

Ural State University of Economics is completing the enrollment campaign - 2017. About 50 thousand applications have been submitted for all forms and areas of training.

According to the USUE Admission Committee, the popular areas of study this year included "Informatics and Computing", "Applied Informatics", "Information Security", and "Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems."  Traditionally, the most popular specialties at our University are "Economics" and "Jurisprudence".

For the USUE coming academic year, 600 persons were enrolled at state-funded places, and it is planned to sign contracts with more than five thousand students for all forms of training.  August 28, there will be the last enrollment for bachelor's and master's degrees courses for full-time and intra-extramural form of study.  For extramural form, the admission will continue until November 15.

Another traditional moment in the enrollment campaign of the University was a competition for state-funded places.  This year, there were 30 applicants per place for economic tracks, 46 applicants -  for service, 28 – for information, 12 – for engineering, 12 - for technological, and 2 applicants  - for legal tracks.  There were 4 pretenders per each place on fee-paying basis.  For extramural courses of study, 7 persons applied per a state-funded place in all areas.  The admission for fee-paying education continues.

To date, statistics show that the enrollment campaign in 2017 is at the level of last year.

Ural State University of Economics is completing the enrollment campaign - 2017. About 50 thousand applications have been submitted for all forms and areas of training.

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