Results of All-Russian Economic Dictation

The All-Russian educational action «All-Russian Economic Dictation» was held for the first time on October 12, 2017, at 637 sites in 80 regions of the Russian Federation, gathering more than 59 thousand participants. At USUE, 200 people checked their economic literacy. These are high school students of 9-11 grades, students of colleges and universities, and just residents of Yekaterinburg.

The results of the dictation can be found here.

According to the organizers, some regional sites submitted dictation forms to the organizing committee after the deadline, so the table does not show the results of all the sites. The center for processing and checking the results of the dictation is still working. A complete database of the dictation results will be published later.

The Free Economic Society of Russia and the organizing committee of All-Russian Economic Dictation thank the participants and organizers of the regional sites for carrying out the Dictation at a high organizational level.

The Organizing Committee informs that Certificates of Participation can be received at the organizers of regional sites from November 14 to December 29, 2017.

All participants with more than 80 points should send an e-mail to the Organizing Committee with a scanned copy of his/her personal voucher with full name and contact information (telephone, address, e-mail) by October 31, 2017.

Besides, the results of the economic dictation will be presented at the All-Russian economic meeting in the State Kremlin Palace on November 11, 2017 and an analytical report on the results of the dictation will be published on the website of the Free Economic Society of Russia, in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, as well as in mainstream media.

The All-Russian educational action «All-Russian Economic Dictation» was held for the first time on October 12, 2017, at 637 sites in 80 regions of the Russian Federation, gathering more than 59 thousand participants. At USUE, 200 people checked their economic literacy. These are high school students of 9-11 grades, students of colleges and universities, and just residents of Yekaterinburg.

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