From Moscow with victory!

The final of the prestigious youth science competition took place on April 24 at the House of Economists in Moscow, its organizers were the Free Economic Society of Russia and the International Union of Economists with the support of leading universities in Russia, the Economic Newspaper Publishing House, the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The scope of the competition for young scientists in 2024 is amazing: hundreds of submitted works, 293 of which, representing 64 constituent entities of Russia, as well as Belarus and Mongolia, were admitted to stage II.

At the final stage of the competition, the children had to defend their projects in person. The competition was very high, and, despite this, in the finals, USUE representatives received two of the eight prizes: by the decision of the competition jury, the title “Winner of the XXVI International Competition of Youth Scientific Works in Economics” was awarded to Yulia Devyatova (II place) and Nadezhda Dryagunova (III place ).

Yulia Devyatova is a 4th year student at the Institute of State, Municipal Administration and Law of the USUE, majoring in “Human Resources Management”. For scientific research, the girl chose the topic “Problems of outflow of youth from small towns.”

“This victory is very significant for me, I have been going towards it for the second year now. Last year the competition gave me unforgettable emotions that I wanted to feel again. “I am immensely grateful to my native university, to my supervisor Anastasia Vladimirovna Pesha and the head of our department of labor economics and personnel management Svetlana Borisovna Dolzhenko for their help, support and the opportunity to speak in Moscow in front of the greatest economic minds of Russia,” says Yulia.

Nadezhda Dryagunova is a 3rd year student in the field of Business Informatics at the Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security of USUE. At the competition, she presented the results of the study “Forecasting the likelihood of bankruptcy of enterprises of various industries in the regions of the Ural Federal District.”

Nadezhda notes: “According to the organizers of the competition, this year the Sverdlovsk region was one of those who sent the largest number of works, and only the two of us were in the finals. For me, this is already an indicator that I am going in the right direction. As part of my research, I proposed a model that correctly classifies 80% of bankruptcies of companies in the construction, trade and manufacturing industries. I developed it together with my supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Informatics Svetlana Viktorovna Begicheva. I also want to thank Professor Svetlana Grigorievna Pyankova for her comprehensive support.”

As the winners of the XXVI International Competition of Youth Scientific Works in Economics, Yulia Devyatova and Nadezhda Dryagunova were invited to participate in the finals of the All-Russian Festival of Economic Science, which will take place on May 14, 2024 in Moscow. And on May 15, in the Great Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at a ceremony within the framework of the VI International Moscow Academic Economic Forum, our winners will be presented with awards for their projects. The theme of this year’s MAEF is: “Russian Economy 2024+: New Solutions in a New Reality”; more than 15 thousand specialists from 76 regions of Russia and 31 countries of the world will take part in the forum.

USUE students took prizes at the XXVI International Competition of Youth Scientific Works in Economics

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