From Uzbekistan to USUE for knowledge

USUE is holding classes in Management under the International Professional Development Program for a delegation from Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE).

The Extended Education Institute of Ural State University of Economics has organized the educational process for the deputy dean, senior lecturers, associate professors, teaching assistants, heads, and research assistants of the TSUE Departments of Management, Fundamental Economics, and Corporate Governance.

The guests will discuss scientific and educational projects supervised by USUE and TSUE and will become acquainted with the departments of our University.

In addition, the delegation will take part in the international scientific conference "Environmental Investments and Innovations as Tools for the Development of World Economic Relations," which is scheduled for February 22.

The course will run until February 25.

USUE is holding classes in Management under the International Professional Development Program for a delegation from Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE).

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