Ready to begin a new academic year!

All 652 USUE classrooms are ready for a new academic year, 120 of them have multimedia training tools with plasma screens installed. Demonstration of graphics and video materials, including material already covered, are only part of the capabilities of the new equipment. Teachers can contact, for example, specialists from enterprises right during the lecture, and thus students can receive both theoretical and practical knowledge at the same time.

In the new academic year, besides multimedia classrooms, USUE will have 25 computer classes with almost 400 computers installed. One of these days, another 40 will be delivered to the university to be placed in the classrooms of the USUE College. By the way, this year the College will have three new classrooms for future accountants and economists. The premises have already been renovated.

According to USUE Vice-Rector for Property Management, Vladimir Kuligin, preparations for the new academic year are not only about equipping classrooms with modern technologies. By August 15, all three dormitories of Ural State University of Economics will be ready for students to move in: “Every morning I am informed about how the preparations are going. Today it was reported that as to the schedule, they had checked electric and plumbing equipment - everything was working properly. Now they are checking the windows so that they shut tightly to avoid draughts. Soon we will receive almost a thousand new mattresses, pillows and blankets. This year we put new tables in the kitchens. There were cases when students put hot pots on wooden tables, and as a result, the furniture deteriorated and looked unpresentable. Now everywhere there are tables made of food stainless steel. Restaurants and cafes use the same tables, that means the material is safe for human health, and in addition, these tables are durable. So, students will live in rooms that are fully prepared for a comfortable stay.”

By the beginning of the new academic year, a renovated canteen will open in the main building of the university.

The reconstruction of the new premises of the USUE Preparatory Faculty is in full swing. Soon there will be five classrooms where international students of the USUE Preparatory Faculty will study.

USUE classrooms have been outfitted with the state-of-the-art equipment.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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