To Russia with love

USUE Rector Yakov Silin held the first meeting in 2023 with international students of the university.

About two and a half thousand students from 68 countries currently study at Ural State University of Economics. Over a hundred students came to the meeting with the rector. One of the main issues that now worries international students is the possibility of free education.

The rector noted that foreign students, as well as Russians, can switch to the state-funded places. “Foreigners may take part in the quota program of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education.” Besides, foreigners are interested in internships and employment in Russia.

“There is a Career Center at the university. We can offer options for both internship and employment, - Yakov Silin said. - The main thing is that you yourself want it. If you wish to stay in Russia after graduation, we, of course, stand with you. But it is important to warn about your decision in advance.”

International USUE students have the same rights as citizens of Russia. They have the same opportunities not only for training but also for creative work and sports. Besides, foreigners can join the USUE Students’ Trade Union. The chair of the union, Artyom Dubovchenko, who was present at the meeting, spoke about this today. The trade union helps in handling many problems, including financial support.

Elena Knyazeva, USUE Vice-Rector for Extended Education and Career Guidance, told international students that according to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk region, in 2023, international students can attend football matches of Ural teams in Yekaterinburg for free, however with a Fan ID at hand.

Today, students of the USUE Preparatory Faculty also visited the meeting. Now they are studying the Russian language, history and culture of Russia. After completing their studies, foreigners can enter both the bachelor’s and master’s programs at USUE. This Saturday, January 21, they will be told in detail about the areas of training and admission rules as part of the Open Day of Ural State University of Economics.

Rector Yakov Silin met with international USUE students

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