The ways to develop education in the context of digitalization have been discussed at USUE

Ural State University of Economics hosted a scientific and methodological conference “Development of Education in the Context of Digitalization and the Transition to Professional Standards: Pedagogical Issues and Main Vectors of USUE Development”. The event was attended by members of education, science, and enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

Traditionally, the annual event began with a plenary session, which was opened by the rector of the University, Yakov Silin:

“Each time, starting a new academic year, we evaluate both our capabilities and those new requirements that appear in real life. They are put before us by the Federal Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. These are the ambitions that exist at different levels and we will have to realize them. Our students wish to meet those requirements to be recruited by the best enterprises. At our University, we need to determine what is needed for this”.

The conference discussed the implementation of state policy and national projects, as well as new educational technologies under the labor market transformation. Presentations were made by the general director of NPO Avtomatiki Andrey Misyura and the director of the SROO Zdorovye Lyudi (Healthy People) Oksana Manasikhina.

“We have been working with USUE for a long time. Over the past 2 years, 140 employees of our enterprise have completed advanced training at this university under the programs created jointly with our enterprise. I believe that teachers need to have practical experience of working with enterprises,” Andrei Misyura said.

For some years now, Ural State University of Economics becomes a discussion platform where issues of forming a common information space of the educational environment are discussed, as well as decisions on improving the quality of students training as per the requirements of standards and labor market in the context of digitalization are worked out.

Ural State University of Economics hosted a scientific and methodological conference “Development of Education in the Context of Digitalization and the Transition to Professional Standards: Pedagogical Issues and Main Vectors of USUE Development”. The event was attended by members of education, science, and enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

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