Successfully self-fulfilling in educational, scientific, and social activities, students at the start of their studies are supported by the university, government agencies, and commercial and non-profit organizations. Today at USUE, one can receive scholarships in various areas.      
The state academic scholarship at USUE is 2500 rubles per month, and the terms for getting it are as follows: full-time state-funded training, good standing, and good academic performance. Those who get only “A” grades are in for a piece of good news: their scholarship will be 3,300 rubles per month.  
Besides, at USUE, there is an increased scholarship, which is granted in addition to the usual academic scholarship. It can be awarded for outstanding achievements in five areas:  

- for educational activities - 7800 rubles per month (participation in Olympiads, dictations, competitions and other educational events on a national and international scale);             
- for research activities - 7200 rubles per month (participation in the University research, publications, one’s scientific research, inventions, discoveries);             
- for social activities - 3600 rubles per month (participation in the organization of socially important events and various projects);             
- for cultural and creative activities - 2400 rubles per month (participation in the organization of different cultural events and projects);             
- for sports activities - 2400 rubles per month (sports achievements, participation in competitions, and inclusion in the University team).             
The decision to award this or other increased academic scholarship is made individually on a case-by-case basis. To apply for an increased scholarship, students should be ready to prove their merits by various diplomas, awards, certificates, and letters of thanks.

Successfully self-fulfilling in educational, scientific, and social activities, students at the start of their studies are supported by the university, government agencies, and commercial and non-profit organizations. Today at USUE, one can receive scholarships in various areas.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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