How to apply IC technologies in education

Ural State University of Economics hosted Ural scientific and practical conference «Application of 1C Technologies in Education».

Sergei Rogozhin, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, greeted the participants of the conference. He noted, «Today much attention is paid on the digital economy, introduction of various operating systems in the life of enterprises, so it is very important to work with real subjects of economic activity».

The conference work was lined up in two information blocks. The first one was devoted to the interaction of science, education, and business, the second one — to the cooperation of «1C» community with educational institutions. The conference discussed the topics of application of 1C software products at an educational process and the organization of efficient professional practice of students.

1C Company is a Russian company specializing in distribution, support, and development of computer programs and databases for business and home use. «There exists an impression that 1C means accounting, and this is far from being the case. «When you hold a conference, then all come up and say, „Really?“ Is this like this? But we thought it was only an accounting,» Svetlana Digo, a 1C manager responsible for the interaction with educational institutions, says.

Throughout the conference, the students, teachers, and participants could take a free testing «1C: professional» and check their knowledge of 1C programs capabilities and the peculiarities of work with them.
The participants discussed the issues of cooperation between the «1C» community and educational institutions.

The masterclass «Forecasting the Future Situation in the System of Education» revealed priority trends in the system of education.

Ural State University of Economics hosted Ural scientific and practical conference «Application of 1C Technologies in Education».

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